Q. I live in a small town with only a walmart and a dollar general and I was hoping that someone could tell me how to get ads sent to my home from toys r us, target, and pretty much all other big retail companies so that I can use them at the walmart that is in my town.
A. Go to their on line stores and subscribe to their mailing list. They will be happy to mail you a catalog every month, plus you will get their special brochures. That applies to any store you can think of.
My home town is so small we do not even have a walmart.
My home town is so small we do not even have a walmart.
I am wondering what i have to do to get all the different holiday toy catalogs and ads and coupons from stores?
Q. like target, walmart, toys r us, etc. My mom gets big toy books and stuff around the holidays and I dont. Im just wondering how to get them?
A. Walk in the stores and sign up for their catalogs. Toys R Us and other stores like it will help you inside.
Can a store employee order things that aren't in the catalog?
Q. It goes like this:
I'm selling an x-box to someones brother at school, but all he can pay me with are toys-r-us gift cards. I had planned on buying a bigger iPod anyway, but the one I need isn't normally sold there. This kids mom works at the toys-r-us near me, and what I'm wondering is if she can order the iPod I want to the store so I can use the gift cards to buy it.
I'm selling an x-box to someones brother at school, but all he can pay me with are toys-r-us gift cards. I had planned on buying a bigger iPod anyway, but the one I need isn't normally sold there. This kids mom works at the toys-r-us near me, and what I'm wondering is if she can order the iPod I want to the store so I can use the gift cards to buy it.
A. It depends on the store. Some store carries merchandise that are not included within their catalog. Contact the individual store to see if they carry it or go to their website.
Can you sell legos that are already unpacked?
Q. I bought some legos at the Toys r Us. But realized I made a mistake. I already opened it. Can I return it.
A. get a lego catalogue or instructions online to make something cool. then sell it on ebay like make a dragon or something that someone would buy.
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