Saturday, December 8, 2012

How can I make my job application look good ?

Q. I've been trying to get a job at toys r us , target, starbucks, baby gap, old-navy and pandera . But how ! ? I know i can qualifications to work at the places but I can't get a job there ? The application online so i want to know how i can improve my job apps. Is it also my availability ? for example i would say 4pm-9pm everyday then saturday and sunday i would put open availability. I'm only 17 and for those job you have to be 17.

A. Call up the company before hand ask who the store manager is and if their hiring, if not would it be fine to leave an application for next recruitment drive. When you go to the store hand it in with a cover letter (dressed casual/smartly) expressing how much you'd love to work for xxx job and what qualities you have gained or have to offer. This cover letter will be sincerely too <<insert store managers name>> have it in an envolope with <<insert store managers name>>

4-9 is only a 5 hour shift and what if the store stays open til 11. Maybe 4 til close would be better. You can also mention why you can only do those hours but how flexible you are. Ask your parents to write the cover letter or make another question so we can offer more help.

How to follow up after applying online for a seasonal position at Toys "R" Us?
Q. So I applied online for Toys"R"Us for an hourly seasonal position. Was wondering how exactly to follow up over the phone and when it would be proper to? What should I do to get myself and noticed and land an interview? Would walking in be a better follow up than phone? How long would it take for them to go over my application and contact me?

A. call them then say...hi may i please speak with the manager..if they ask what is this regarding say just following up on an aplication..then once the manager answers say..hi my name is (full name) i applied on (date here) and i just wanted to follow up on my application and wanted to know if you would happen to have any positions available for me...

This is how i now have my job at target.

how long does it take for toys r us to let you know youve been hired?
Q. if anyone here has worked at toys r us here can you tell me how long it took them tol call you back. I filled an application out online on tuesday 7/20/2010. what should I do next thank you for all help.

A. When doing it online, there should be info that told the info.
If you applied for a specific store call HR and ask. It will show that you have interest.

What up with online job applications?
Q. Ok so am 16 and I applied for a job at toys r us using their online application system. This was back in November and they never got back to me. whats up with that?

A. Maybe they aren't hiring or don't think you have the experience that they are looking for. Even with online job applications you still have to call after you turn in your application and remind them that you are looking for a job (this should be done with paper applications as well). A week or so after you apply call them up tell them your name and that you put in your resume a week ago and remind them that you are still looking and would love the opportunity to work there.

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