Friday, December 7, 2012

How would you apply for a job at a opening store for toys r us?

Q. my friend told me that there was gonna be a new toys r us opening near us, I went online and I couldnt find the store location to apply at.

A. Below is the website for applying for a position online.

Also, use their store locator to find the nearby stores. Often, they take management from nearby stores and put them into the new stores. Getting to know the managers at nearby stores can get you an "IN" at the new store.

How do I find out what time my local stores open at on black friday?
Q. I need to find out what time my local best buy and toys r us open at on black friday. Does anybody know how I can find out before midnight (central time)?

A. Look them up on the internet. You can probably call if necessary. Sometimes they have a recording giving the hours they are open.

How long is closing cleanup at toys r us?
Q. I just applied at Toys R Us. I was just wondering if anyone knew normally how long closing cleanup is at the end of the night. I know that they close the store at 9 Monday-Saturday and 7 on Sunday, but how long does it take until you actually leave the store. Also, does anyone know what time the store is normally open until for holiday hours?

A. I have worked at TRU since June of 2006 and the best answer i can give regarding closing cleanup is that it totally depends on which manager is closing. Some managers will keep you as late as 945 or 10 oclock but others dont stay past 915. However i would say the average time it takes would be about 30 minutes past closing. And about the holiday hours around late november the store stays open til 10 for about 2 weeks then early december it goes to 12 up until christmas. Hope this answers your questions.

What does a Toys R Us Maintenance/Housekeeping Team Member do?
Q. I'm 17 years old and a Toys R Us near where I live has a opening for that spot in the title, the question is what do they do that position, and would they hire a 17 year old to do that? I'll be 17 turning 18 in October.

A. janitor
clean up and other duties as assigned

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