Q. Heres the story of how i ended up here in texas if it helps......4 weeks ago(june 3rd) AFTER college was out for the summer, I said i want to go out and get a job out of state. There are no good jobs in MISSISSIPPI that will pay every week, thats why. I'm 21. I dont know any other 21 year old that would do this....anywho, i had a carpet cleaning job lined up for me here in arlington(certified inc. is the name i think) when i arrived they said i have to do 3 day training. i'm like ok cool. Then i told them i stay in hotel since i have no fam here. they say i have to get my id change to that address im living at, so that messed up everything.(that would take forever to do) so i just got this temp service job that pays everyday. basically enough for a hotel weekly....
4 weeks later im still doing this temp job. i applied at home depot, local construction jobs that mexicans took over, careerbuilder,workintexas.com news ads<(the job usually a hour away).
so can anyone please HELP ME???
hey sandy i dont know if you a spam person or not. but i've already tried those so called sit at home job were you click and do surveys... they are all crap and require you do buy this and that or wait 4 days....the only one that got me atlease 10 dollars in 4 days was BRRING.com if i spelled that right. and that requires people to call your phone but when they call it plays ADS, ya think.(they give you a diff number that transfer your calls to you)
thanks chris. I will try that. Heres what they told me of why my address where i live at now has to match my driver license address............they give you tools to go around cleaning people houses and vents so at the end of the day some people take the tools home. They said some people quit and dont return the tools...some of the guys told me all i had to do was just drop the tools off after work(vacuum cleaner) but i never heard anything like this were your address had to match where you stay. Its kind of a job where you work for yourself they just give you the customers number and tools. at the same time you try to convience them to pay for extra stuff like carpet cleaning stuff or carpet freshener....I will go back and have a long talk with them. Thanks.
4 weeks later im still doing this temp job. i applied at home depot, local construction jobs that mexicans took over, careerbuilder,workintexas.com news ads<(the job usually a hour away).
so can anyone please HELP ME???
hey sandy i dont know if you a spam person or not. but i've already tried those so called sit at home job were you click and do surveys... they are all crap and require you do buy this and that or wait 4 days....the only one that got me atlease 10 dollars in 4 days was BRRING.com if i spelled that right. and that requires people to call your phone but when they call it plays ADS, ya think.(they give you a diff number that transfer your calls to you)
thanks chris. I will try that. Heres what they told me of why my address where i live at now has to match my driver license address............they give you tools to go around cleaning people houses and vents so at the end of the day some people take the tools home. They said some people quit and dont return the tools...some of the guys told me all i had to do was just drop the tools off after work(vacuum cleaner) but i never heard anything like this were your address had to match where you stay. Its kind of a job where you work for yourself they just give you the customers number and tools. at the same time you try to convience them to pay for extra stuff like carpet cleaning stuff or carpet freshener....I will go back and have a long talk with them. Thanks.
A. its the month of july and its almost august there isnt much jobs left unless if u try those fast food resturants, or those big stores like toys r us and stuff
wii anyone?
Q. anyone know where i can get the wii. never oppened brand new?
A. If you get Best Buy's weekly ad they usually have them in there and if they do that mean's they're at the store nearest you(if not sold out yet).
Just call various stores like Toys R' Us, Circuit City,Game Stop, etc.
Just call various stores like Toys R' Us, Circuit City,Game Stop, etc.
special nintendo ds package at best buy?
Q. I am from minnesota but my dad is in california right now, there were a whole bunch of people lining in front of best buy yesterday and they were waiting for a new colour of nintendo ds lite. and a new game called professor layton and the curious village was released yesterday. best buy had a deal going on that they would give you a free case if you bought professor layton and the new blue and black ds lite. so my dad bought it and got the free case, the store employee told my dad that he was lucky that he got a case because the store only had three of them and many other people were looking for one, because they dont sell them in america. the value of the case shows up as $0.00 on the repceit, but my question is that can I return the ds but keep the game and the free case, do you think that if he goes to another best buy they will let him return it
I am sure that their system will let them, but do you think that the employees will let him
it was not a bundle, it was a system and game with a free case, and why would I want to let them know that I got the free case
I am sure that their system will let them, but do you think that the employees will let him
it was not a bundle, it was a system and game with a free case, and why would I want to let them know that I got the free case
A. Didn't you just ask this question?
First of all, it is NOT true that each Best Buy has it's "own ideas". They are ALL running this exact same offer on the new cobalt blue/black DS Lite, namely, that with the console and "Professor Layton" game, you can receive a free case.
This is a NATIONAL promotion that Best Buy is running, including on-line, which you can look at by clicking on this link: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcmcat143800050019&type=category
Please go to the ad and note that the value of the free case is $16.99. If you wish to return the DS lite and keep the case, Best Buy will refund you the $129.99 LESS the $16.99 which is the retail value of that case.
Yes, I am quite certain of this. I buy and return all kinds of things at Best Buy--all the time.
I don't know who told you "they don't sell them in America", but it is absolutely NOT true! The Cobolt Blue/black Nintendo DS lite was not available before ONLY because it just came out in the market YESTERDAY, and was available and advertised in the weekly sales flyers for many, many stores, including Target, K-Mart, Circuit City, and Toys R Us in this Sunday's newspaper. I know because I saw the advertisements for it in the weekly sales flyers.
The "free case" is available separately for purchase--at $16.99, and has been for quite some time. I've seen it sitting there on the racks at Best Buy when I was trying to decide on the case to buy the last DS lite I had, and it's been available and priced at $16.99 for many months now.
Circuit City's advertisement this week for the DS lite offered a free minipurse or traveler's case. You can check out their ad here:
Chef, In response to the 2nd question you posed regarding what the "free case" looks like, if you follow the Best Buy link I provided above, and scroll down, there is a picture of the case. Mine is clear plastic with a black foam like interior lining which cushions the DS, and there is a 2nd compartment for holding up to 8 game cartridges. If you dropped the it, it is more likely that the case would crack, while the DS inside would be fin. If your dad described the one he got for you as being pink? The one he bought is probably clear with a pink foam-like interior lining instead.
That "free case"? It's OK, butthere are better cases out there for the DS! If you have your dad return the case in addition to the DS, honestly, I don't think it would be any great loss--especially not if the one your dad got was pink, and you're a guy!
As to your question to how the Cobalt Blue/Black DS looks? It's a shiny metallic color and actually rather nice, but the one I gave to my grandson was black, and I can't honestly say I prefer one over the other.
You said in your last question that you do have the Zelda: Phantom Hourglass game. Great game, huh?
First of all, it is NOT true that each Best Buy has it's "own ideas". They are ALL running this exact same offer on the new cobalt blue/black DS Lite, namely, that with the console and "Professor Layton" game, you can receive a free case.
This is a NATIONAL promotion that Best Buy is running, including on-line, which you can look at by clicking on this link: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcmcat143800050019&type=category
Please go to the ad and note that the value of the free case is $16.99. If you wish to return the DS lite and keep the case, Best Buy will refund you the $129.99 LESS the $16.99 which is the retail value of that case.
Yes, I am quite certain of this. I buy and return all kinds of things at Best Buy--all the time.
I don't know who told you "they don't sell them in America", but it is absolutely NOT true! The Cobolt Blue/black Nintendo DS lite was not available before ONLY because it just came out in the market YESTERDAY, and was available and advertised in the weekly sales flyers for many, many stores, including Target, K-Mart, Circuit City, and Toys R Us in this Sunday's newspaper. I know because I saw the advertisements for it in the weekly sales flyers.
The "free case" is available separately for purchase--at $16.99, and has been for quite some time. I've seen it sitting there on the racks at Best Buy when I was trying to decide on the case to buy the last DS lite I had, and it's been available and priced at $16.99 for many months now.
Circuit City's advertisement this week for the DS lite offered a free minipurse or traveler's case. You can check out their ad here:
Chef, In response to the 2nd question you posed regarding what the "free case" looks like, if you follow the Best Buy link I provided above, and scroll down, there is a picture of the case. Mine is clear plastic with a black foam like interior lining which cushions the DS, and there is a 2nd compartment for holding up to 8 game cartridges. If you dropped the it, it is more likely that the case would crack, while the DS inside would be fin. If your dad described the one he got for you as being pink? The one he bought is probably clear with a pink foam-like interior lining instead.
That "free case"? It's OK, butthere are better cases out there for the DS! If you have your dad return the case in addition to the DS, honestly, I don't think it would be any great loss--especially not if the one your dad got was pink, and you're a guy!
As to your question to how the Cobalt Blue/Black DS looks? It's a shiny metallic color and actually rather nice, but the one I gave to my grandson was black, and I can't honestly say I prefer one over the other.
You said in your last question that you do have the Zelda: Phantom Hourglass game. Great game, huh?
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