Friday, December 7, 2012

what to get my 10 year old daughter for christmas? i need suggestions?

Q. she likes to golf and she likes animals, isnt really into hannah montana or anything but does watch the disney channel. shes at that age, not a teenager but not little either. any ideas?

A. Have her make christmas list of things she wants, if she can't think of anything help her out by going through flyers for stores or take a walk around toys r us or something. But here's a few suggestions:
golf clubs,barbies,roller blades or a bike, some clothes, a nintendo ds, some earings if she has her ears pierced, dolls or stuffed animals, play makeup/hair things. Cd player or mp3 player.
Its hard to know what she likes without knowing her but I hope I helped.

how do i host a great teen party?
Q. i want to throw a party at my house, but i've never had one before. how many people should i invite? what time should it go to and start? what kind of snacks should i have? what music should i play? help me, please! i need all the tips you have! btw i'm fourteen.

A. Invite between ten and twenty people. If you have more than that, it will probably feel crowded. As for time, it all depend on what you're aiming for. If you're going to do a sleepover, have it start before it gets dark so you can do some things outside. Having it start at four or five and then having everyone leave by eleven the next morning is usually good. If you want to have a party during the day, do three to nine or ten or something like that. For outside activities, if its warm you can have a water balloon/water gun fight, and have a Slip N' Slide. They're very cheap and you can find them at stores like Target and Toys R' Us. You can set up a net to play volleyball or badminton, and have a football and frisbees for people to throw around. You could set up a scavenger hunt or have three legged races and things like that. You could even have a pinata if you wanted. You could have a bbq outside with hamburgers and hot dogs, but make sure to get veggie burgers or dogs or have another option like mac and cheese for any of your friends who might be vegetarian. You could get a fire going and make s'mores as well. For indoor activities, you can have a movie night complete with popcorn and candy. You could make your own pizzas for dinner or order pizza in. You could clear a large area for a dance floor, and include a disco ball, strobe lights, and glowsticks if you have any. You could also have a karaoke machine if your friends like to sing. You can play lots of fun games like Twister, Charades, truth or dare, and have a trivia game set up. Everyone can divide into pairs or just split into two teams. You could play other fun board games as well. As for other food, have lots of snacks like a variety of chips and dip, maybe a cheese platter, mozzarella sticks, pigs in blankets etc. Have some yummy desserts like an ice cream bar, cookies, brownies, and an assortment of candy. For drinks have a variety of sodas and juices, have water, and maybe one kind of energy drink. Or, you could make frozen virgin drinks like strawberry dacquiris or pina coladas. When it comes to music, you want to play a lot of upbeat dance music that people will like, so pick a lot of pop and hip hop songs that are popular right now. Also include a few popular rock and country songs, that way you please everyone. As for invites, type out your information on really bright neon paper, flyer style, then hand them out to everyone. It'll look really cool and be different than most of the people who do cards.

When is the nintendo wii being restocked?
Q. I've been checking everywhere, but the only place i can find it is online, and even those are way too expensive for me. They're either a bundle or just plain expensive. When are they back in stores!?!?!?! I just want a wii that costs around $250, is that so much to ask for? T_T

A. try to look at their online flyers-the day before their new week starts it differs from store to store
if you want to buy from a retailer's website you can check if it is in stock-set up a email alert



it reaaaallly works for Canada, USA, U.K.

toys 'r us /circuit city/best buy would be best choice i think in order to get just the console, w/o extra games....but i would go with toys 'r us and go to the store the first day that flyer-new week starts at least 2 hours ago i would say.. I was late last week ( I wen 1:30 before openning)

What should I buy my nephew for christmas he will be 5-6 months old?

A. my son will be 6 months then also, I bought him this baseball thing, basketball cheer & dunk. From my registry people bought maracas, a baby laptop, a press n go zoo train. There are other ideas like bath toys, stage 1 sippy cup, leap frog groove table, a drum that rolls for when they crawl, a play cell phone, play remote. Endless thoughts!! Just check out the flyers for farm & fleets toyland, toys r us, walmart maybe. I know the first two have flyers by age. Also, most toys have recommended ages, so when looking check that out!
Good luck!

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