Friday, December 7, 2012

Where to open a baby registry for organic products?

Q. We are expecting a child in December 2009 (we don't know gender yet) and have started a registry at Babies-R-Us, but cannot find many products: wool/alpaca blankets, cotton plush blankets, modern looking cotton nursery bedding, organic toys, foam mattress, light-weight crib in cherry color (there is one in maple color at Babies-R-Us though) ...
Does it mean that we should open a registry at another store instead? What other national store chain would be good for a variety of organic/quality baby products?

A. Do you have a buy buy baby near you? They have a bit higher end things, and many organic products.

Pottery barn kids also has cotton bedding, and an organic line as well

Anyone know a good website where I can download free coupons for Babies R Us?
Q. I am looking for a website that gives not only online coupon/discounts but also printable in-store coupons for purchases at Babies R Us.


Check about halfway down - you'll see

Babies"R"Us is one of the premier baby product retailers -- the largest baby product specialty store chain in the world and a leader in the juvenile industry. We provide a unique and enjoyable shopping experience for our guests both in our stores and on-line. Our commitment to guest service, our broad product assortment, and our unparalleled level of special services (which includes an extensive special order department, a state-of-the-art baby registry service and a Mother�s room for attending to babies' needs and more) all add up to the an outstanding experience for you, our guest. Possible coupons Sign up for Toys R Us Email and Babies R Us Email.

PRINTABLE TOYS R US COUPON: $5 off $25 Purchase (thru 04-30-07)

NEW PRINTABLE BABIES `R US COUPON: Save $5 off $25 Purchase- can only open window once! If you want more than one, print multiples ! (thru 03-04-07)

This is a great site if you have kids, BTW

What should I include on my baby registry?
Q. I think I'll have a baby shower, so I'm planning to register in a big store like Babies R Us. However, I'm not exactly sure on what to include. I started buying some clothing; but I decided to register since people usually give repeated presents at Baby Showers and I would like to get some useful things.

Can you please help me? This is my first baby, 21 week pregnant.


A. Go for the essentials:

Good sterilizer
Go for the anti-colic baby bottles with extra silicone accessories (these are a life saver)
stroller for all ages (wherein the baby car seat bolts on to the stroller and whenyour baby is big, just remove the baby car seat and your toddler can use it)
baby car seat
Bathe stuff ( baby tub, baby sponge, baby shampoo, soap, towels, non-slip rubber mat)
thermal blankets
burping cloth
mittens, bonnets, booties, clothes
stuff for cleaning bottles (bottle brush, washing liquid safe for babies)
crib! with crib set of pillows and comforters
playpen which can be kept and folded

then lastly
diapers ( you will not know how big or small your baby is, so if you ask for a ton of diapers and your baby doesn't properly fit in it, it will be a waste)
and whatever the baby store tries to sell you :)

breast pumps, breast feeding pillows

teethers, sippy cups, plates and utensil set (when your baby is older)

Are there any other places I can register for my baby shower?
Q. I know target and babys r us are places I can register but I wanted to know if there are anymore places? I live in Arizona.

A. Buy Buy Baby has a online registry I believe.
Toys R Us

Check out the websites for these places because a lot of the stores will let you register online and they have more items on the website.

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