Saturday, December 8, 2012

which places can a 17 year old find a job at philadelphia?

Q. when i ask for job at stores they all say that i have to go online but i can't seem to find any application forms?? i have been looking for CVS, walmart, toy R us n kmart ..

A. Almost everyone takes on-line applications these days. Some stores, like Shop-Rite have a computer set up in their store, on which to apply. Each site is different, for example, I went on Rite Aids website. I clicked on careers first. Then FAQ's, then it said that you could apply in store, or download an application. So go to careers, or do a search on each website. You'll find it. Good Luck!

Is it better to get a job application in person then to fill one out online?
Q. im 16 years old & im looking for my first Offical job. Seems like all the places i wanted to work at such as target, walmart,Toys r us & others didnt call me back. Is it better for me to go into a store like footlocker & just ask for an application???? By the way If there are any other stores you can think of that hire at 16 please list them.. THANKS =(

A. I'd go to the shop in person to ask for an application form, that way at least you (hopefully) get one straight away. But, you'd be speaking to the customer service desk, not a problem, but it won't influence them giving you a job. So just grab the form, go home, fill it in, and hand it in or post it on recorded mail so someone has to sign for it, so you know for sure it's got there.

A lot of people try for jobs in shops, so they don't need to follow up every phone call they get about jobs. Just go and see them, if they say no vacancies, ask them when they might expect some, or keep asking every month or so.

ps - if you can fill one in online then do that. I prefer that because my writing is a little on the messy side, and it takes me ages to write neat, ha ha.

good luck :)

How do you copyright a small business name?
Q. I am creating a new product line of pet toys. What is the most efficent way to secure this small business name I have thought of for the product line I am producing?

A. Copyright does not protect a business name.

Do a quick search (online databases) to see if anybody else is already using a similar name in your field. It's usually okay if the identical name is already "in use" for other types of things.

Register your business name according to state laws (e.g., form a corporation, LLC, or file a d/b/a or "fictitious name" registration). It only needs to be "slightly" different from other registrations, so you could register "Jacobo Inc" when someone else already has "Jacobo Enterprises."

Use your business name (or any other name) as a sign of source and quality on your goods and services, i.e., "trademark in commerce". For instance, "Jacobo Brand chew-toy". Again, this is permitted even if there is already somebody selling "Jacobo Brand Mustard", but perhaps a problem if there is "Jacobo's Dog Food", because it's in the same field (pets). Decide if you are going to use the name alone or add a distinctive "logo" or other design. Search for similar designs so you can avoid any already in use in your field.

You have immediately acquired "local" rights to your brand! You can enforce your brand in state or federal court, preventing others from marketing their own pet items under your new brand. You can put (tm) next to it, if you like. � is alt-0153

You can OPTIONALLY register your brand in one or more states (usually in the Secretary of State's office) for under $100 by filing a form and a fee. Fees might only cover one "class" of goods or services, so be prepared to broadly describe your items. If it includes a design they will want a copy of it. The clerks will do an "examination" to make sure your mark isn't already registered in that field.

You can OPTIONALLY register your brand in the US Patent and Trademark Office, which will give you pre-emptive rights nationwide and a foundation for international protection as well. Federal registration is somewhat more complicated but can often be accomplished without any special training. There are online forms at the website sourced below. You will have to pay a basic filing fee and an additional fee for each additional class of goods or services. For instance, "pet toys in Class X, training videos in Class Y, pet grooming services in Class Z." You will need to submit a sample showing the brand "in use" such as a package label. It may takes months (or even years) to obtain a federal registration. You may then put circle-R on your brand. ® is alt-0174 on your pc keyboard. The USPTO examiners may find similar trademarks in similar fields and ask you to "amend" the description of the goods in your application so there is no overlap.

For planning purposes, you may file an application for "intent to use" a federal trademark up to three years before you actually use it, thus reserving your right to develop the product or service under the proposed brand before registering it. Once you actually use it, you submit a form, a fee and your registration will be issued. However, if you change your mind at any point (say, you want to do children's toys and you applied for pet toys), your application is abandoned and cannot be "modified" to include different products. That's why you might try to register for "toys", which is broad enough to cover all of the choices, and let the examiner determine if you have to define it more narrowly.

How does a group interview work at toys r us?
Q. Ive got an interview with toys r us( or atleast i assume its an interview because i filled out the online application form and the it just automatically told me to be at thes place in 2 weeks time sooo...) any way, what do they do and how does it work. also what are they expecting interms of attire, responses, etc. im 16, and going for a job just in general, "working at toys r us" ( what does that actually mean??) in australia,

please help! thank you!

A. I did a group interview once in Macy's. What Macy�s ask, what we will do in a situation�. They asked each of us to tell about ourselves. �What will you do if you see a co-worker stealing?� It really depends on the person that is interviewing you. It�s just about the same as a one on one. They just have so many for the job they can�t have a one-on-one, so they do a group interview.

You need to be honest and think common sense.

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